Flapjacks for Al and Sunshine

The other day I made pink porridge.  That probably didn’t surprise any of you.  Strange things happen on this blog.

Al made a suggestion.

I thought ‘ooh’.

So I made pink flapjacks.

Plate of Pink Flapjacks with White Chocolate Drizzle

Pink Flapjacks

(They are not photogenic.  My husband won’t touch them.  They’re too soft.  (Normally he complains that mine aren’t soft enough).  I think they’re addictive.  Everyone else ate them.  Cheerfully.  No one died.  (Except Husband for rude comments)).

Again this is just oats and frozen fruits.  Chuck them both in a pan and add a splash of juice.  (I used orange because that’s what I had).  I also added some vanilla sugar for flavour rather than sweetness.  Heat until the fruit defrosts and it all blends together.  Dollop in a generous quantity of honey.  Mix.  Pour onto a lined baking tray (or roasting tin)and spread out fairly evenly.  I put it  in a fan oven for twenty minutes at 180.  After thirty minutes, I took them out.  Simple!

It’s supposed to be a white chocolate drizzle on top but unfortunately in my uncoordinated hands, it became a white chocolate splodge.  I would have blended it with a little yoghurt to make it smoother and easier to squeeze out (good quality food bag with a corner snipped off) but I didn’t have any.

It’s been a scorching hot weekend here.  (I had to put the flapjacks in the fridge to set the drizzle!)

So that leads me to the next subject:  sunshine.

Somehow The Sweaty Knitter (go there if you want to investigate the name) decided that little ole rambling me should be awarded the Sunshine Blogger Award.

‘The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world’.

I’m a rambling pessimist who blogs on a variety of ‘cheerful’ subjects such as chronic illness and mental health.

Are you as confused as me?!

Anyway, a huge thank you to The Sweaty Knitter.  Because however sad you may claim it to be, oh you boring mature types, I rather like getting blog awards.  There’s something nice about recognition.  There’s a feeling of belonging too.

These are the questions:

  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your favourite animal?
  3. What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?
  4. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter?
  5. What’s your passion?
  6. What’s your favourite pattern?
  7. Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?
  8. What’s your favourite number?
  9. What is your favourite day of the week?
  10. What is your favourite flower?

These are my answers:

  1. Purple
  2. Manky
  3. Iced tea or ginger and lemongrass cordial but I am happy with water
  4. I may twitter all day but I don’t think my face is worthy of a book
  5. Fairness
  6. You’ll have to check on Ravelry!  But I love symmetry and simple things.
  7. Giving
  8. Sixty Six
  9. The one that goes best
  10. Daisies and gerberas

Now I have to negotiate the minefield that is nominating (awarding) other blogs and I will give you a quick list:

Coming East

The CVillean


The Jester Queen

The Kitchen’s Garden

The Laughing Housewife

No Poster Girl

Thanks for reading again.  I hope that there’s sunshine and flapjacks in your lives too.




19 thoughts on “Flapjacks for Al and Sunshine

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  1. Oh honey you are so kind, thank you for nominating me.. I don’t do awards in the summer as it is too wildly busy but I LOVED your answers and I was so grateful for you thinking of me.. in the winter I will be a lot more onto it timewise!! PROMISE! c

  2. IE, anyone who features bright pink flapjacks on their blog has got to be a ray of sunshine :-D Congratulations…

    (Ps, have you ever tried mashing up raspberries and putting them in with scone mix? Pink and delicious….)

  3. Ooh! Thank you! Here I thought you were feeding me flapjacks. I’d take them. I’m dieting. I’ll use just about any excuse to cheat, and the white chocolate would have only been a little cheatery, right??

    1. I’m sure oats, fruit and honey can’t be too sinful on most diets, hey, honey’s medicinal anyhow right?! Enjoy some flapjacks, they’re for everyone. :)

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